Amethyst in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

Amethyst Shufu Shop


    Variety of the mineral quartz (SiO2)

    • Colour: light to dark purple tones
    • Mineral class: Group of oxides
    • Crystal system: trigonal
    • Transparency: translucent, transparent to opaque

    Amethyst - effect on a spiritual level

    According to the teachings of TCM, amethyst goes particularly well with the forehead chakra. Amethyst cleanses the mind and gives inner peace. It promotes spirituality, serenity, balance and calm. He should drive away false friendships and block energies from their environment. It also prevents nightmares, promotes overcoming addictive behavior and alleviates grief.

    Amethyst - effect on a physical level

    In traditional Chinese medicine, amethyst is said to have a special effect on the lungs, skin, hair and nerves. It has a pain-relieving effect and promotes physical regeneration after illness. Skin diseases like eczema, warts, rashes, and acne can be treated with it. In the case of respiratory diseases, it has a toning effect and also helps with inflammation and digestive disorders. In acupressure (Gua Sha, facial roller), amethyst is known for its tension-relieving effect. It soothes and cleanses the skin and thus helps against blemishes. Here come to our shop with lots of Gua Sha scrapers and face rollers made of amethyst.

    Amethyst - application

    Amethyst can be worn on the body as a tumbled stone. Placed under the pillow, amethyst has a sleep-inducing effect and protects against nightmares. To treat various physical complaints, place amethyst on the affected body areas. In particular, acupressure (Gua Sha) with amethyst has a very healing effect. Amethyst tips or amethyst druses develop a meditative effect. According to TCM, amethyst drusen have a particularly strong charisma, which is why they are often used to energize rooms and clean other healing stones. For this, simply the healing stone for at least place in the amethyst druse for a day.

    Amethyst - care

    Amethyst should be stored away from light and heat. Weekly cleaning under running water is recommended. The discharge is done with hematite. Full moon light is suitable for charging.

    Amethyst products in our shop

    Have a look at the Shufu shop for high-quality massage and wellness products. We offer a wide range of face rollers, Gua Sha scrapers and massage sets made of natural stone. Order now and save 5% (discount code: ShufuShop).

    A selection of our amethyst products - click and order in the shop:
    Amethyst Gesichtsroller Shufu Shop
    Clean Skin Set | Amethyst Gua Sha & Gesichtsroller Shufu Shop
    Gua Sha | Amethyst | Y-Shape ~Clean Skin~ Shufu Shop
    Gua Sha | Amethyst | Y-Shape ~Clean Skin~ Shufu Shop

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