Sodalite in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

Sodalith Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Shufu Shop

Sodalite - perception and concentration

  • Colour: light to dark blue
  • Mineral class: Group of silicates
  • Crystal system: cubic
  • Transparency: translucent to opaque

Sodalite - effect on a spiritual level

In traditional Chinese medicine, sodalite is associated with the forehead chakra. Sodalite promotes order in the mind and in everyday life, increases perception and the ability to concentrate. Sodalite is used to release emotional blocks and to break down stuck behavior patterns. In addition, Sodalith should promote ambition, persuasiveness and honesty.

Sodalite - effect on a physical level

In TCM, the strong influence of sodalite on the lungs is known. It is also used for high blood pressure and as a complementary treatment for lymph cancer.

Sodalite - application

Sodalite can be used for meditative purposes as well as worn on the body. Placing on the body according to the organ clock as well as acupressure applications are also recommended.

Sodalite - care

Clean sodalite once a week under running water and discharge with hematite. Charging takes place in the morning sun.

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