Fluorite in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

Fluorit Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Shufu Shop

Fluorite - Detox

  • Colour: many different shades, often multicolored
  • Mineral class: Group of halides
  • Crystal system: cubic
  • Transparency: translucent, see-through

Fluorite - effect on a spiritual level

Fluorite is assigned to different chakras depending on its color. The most common are: blue fluorite (throat chakra), yellow fluorite (navel chakra), green fluorite (heart chakra) and purple fluorite (crown chakra). As a healing stone, fluorite generally stabilizes the psyche and promotes a sense of responsibility. It also counteracts narrow-mindedness and strengthens flexibility.

Blue fluorite is said to have an intuitive effect, and it should also strengthen concentration, mental receptiveness, enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility.

Violet fluorite is said to counteract compulsions and addictions and to dissolve rigid thought patterns.

Fluorite - effect on a physical level

Fluorite is said to have an influence on connective tissue, skin, bones, nerves and teeth in particular. In traditional Chinese medicine, fluorite is used to treat allergies, asthma and inflammation. It is also used to improve the breakdown and elimination of toxins.

Fluorite - application

Fluorite can be worn on the body and taken as a fluorite elixir or fluorite water. Placing fluorite in the home can improve absorption.

Fluorite - care

Clean fluorite once a week under running water and discharge with hematite. Charging takes place in the morning sun or with the help of amethyst.

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