Pearls in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

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Pearls - wealth and dignity

  • Colour: white, reddish, golden, green, black
  • Mineral class: Carbonates
  • Crystal system: orthorhombic
  • Transparency: translucent to opaque

Pearls - effect on a spiritual level

In China, pearls are a symbol of wisdom, dignity and wealth. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, black pearls are assigned to the root chakra and white pearls to the navel chakra. Pearls are used against exhaustion and to support coping with painful experiences, among other things. They are also used for nightmares, to promote balance and inner peace.

Pearls - effect on a physical level

According to tradition, pearls can relieve allergies, headaches and migraines and, above all, have a positive effect on nerves, stomach and skin. They are also used for eye complaints and digestive problems.

Pearls - application

Pearls can be placed on the body, taking into account the organ clock, or used as an elixir or healing stone water. They are also suitable as jewelry on the body or in your pocket. Since according to the Chinese doctrine pearls develop their healing effects only very slowly, the duration of use should be extended accordingly.

Pearl care

The charging of pearls is best done in full moon light. For cleaning, the pearls should be held under running (salt) water once a week and appropriately discharged with hematite.

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