The 7 main chakras of traditional Chinese medicine

Sieben Hauptchakren in der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin Shufu Shop Chakra

The 7 main chakras

The Chinese teaching says that the life energy Qi flows through the meridians (= channels) of the body. The meridians connect all seven main chakras with each other. A chakra is understood to be a subtle energy center. Depending on the type of chakra, it is either inside or outside the body. The seven main chakras are lined up along the spine. They are counted from the bottom up. In them metaphysical and biophysical energies are collected and transformed.

From bottom to top, a distinction is made between the following main chakras (also shown in the image below), with each chakra being assigned to an element:

  • Root chakra (Seat on the pelvic floor, element earth)
  • Sacral chakra (Seat between the navel and genital organs, element water)
  • Navel chakra (Seat in the stomach area, element fire)
  • Heart chakra (Seat in the middle of the chest at heart level, element air)
  • Throat chakra (Seat in the area of the cervical spine at the level of the larynx, element ether)
  • Forehead chakra (Seat between eyebrows in the middle of the forehead, element spirit)
  • Crown chakra (Seat in the area of the skull roof, at the apex of the head, element cosmos)

Activation of the chakras through healing stones

If the Qi flow is disturbed in any way, one or more chakras can become unbalanced (under or over function) and the organs connected to them become ill. In general, this condition has a negative impact on health.

In order to activate the chakras, so-called healing stones can be placed on the body. This is intended to stimulate the recovery process and make a significant contribution to health and well-being. According to the Chinese conception, every healing stone has an individual vibration. After being placed on the body, this stimulates the vibration frequency of the chakra assigned to it. Since the color of a healing stone is directly related to its vibration, it is also decisive for the intensity of the chakra activation. In order to treat a certain chakra region and thus certain organs or body areas, it is best to place the healing stone directly on the desired chakra center. The organ clock must be taken into account when placing the stones. In addition to placing stones on the body, the ingestion of precious stone essences can activate and invigorate the energy centers.

Meditation is also an important element of ancient China - be it for chakra activation or to enhance the effect of healing stones. Guided meditations are particularly suitable for beginners. In this great online course you learn how to become physically, mentally and emotionally healthier, more vital and powerful through guided meditations, valuable lessons and more.

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