Garnet in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

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  • Various garnet minerals: i.a.: almandine, andradite, grossular, pyrope, spessartine, uvarowite
  • Colour: pink, red, orange, yellow green, brown, black
  • Mineral class: Group of silicates
  • Crystal system: cubic
  • Transparency: transparent to opaque

Garnet - effect on a spiritual level

In traditional Chinese medicine, the garnet minerals almandine, pyrope, spessartine and andradite are associated with the root chakra. Uwarowit and Grossular, on the other hand, act on the heart chakra.

In general, grenades are supposed to strengthen positive traits and promote assertiveness and perseverance. In China, grenades are known to help overcome difficult life situations. They are used to release emotional blocks and energy blocks.

Garnet - effect on a physical level

The effect differs depending on the garnet mineral and variety. In general, garnet has a beneficial effect on the abdomen, joints and blood on a physical level. Garnet is often used for inflammation and skin disorders (as a face roller). In TCM, garnet promotes the regeneration of all organs and detoxification of the body by strengthening the kidneys. Garnet is also said to help regulate the hormonal balance, increase physical performance and stimulate the metabolism.

Garnet - application

Garnet can be carried in the pocket or directly on the body or after the Organ clock be placed on the body.

Garnet - care

Garnets should be charged in the morning or evening sun. To clean, hold garnet under running water once a week and discharge with hematite.

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