Lapis Lazuli in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

Lapislazuli Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Shufu Shop

Lapis lazuli

  • Colour: blue
  • Crystals: cubic
  • Transparency: opaque

Lapis lazuli - effect on a spiritual level

In traditional Chinese medicine, lapis lazuli is associated with the forehead chakra. It should help with depression and emotional blockages and counteract cold feeling. It also strengthens assertiveness, self-confidence and independence.

Lapis lazuli - effect on a physical level

Lapis lazuli is used in Chinese medicine to treat skin diseases, respiratory and menstrual problems. It is also used for high blood pressure, inflammation, cramps and dizziness.

Lapis Lazuli Application

Lapis lazuli is very suitable for meditative purposes. Since the blue color is strongly connected to the forehead chakra, lapis lazuli should be worn at least at neck level, e.g. as a pendant. It has a weaker effect in your pocket. A healing stone cream or healing stone water with lapis lazuli is recommended for the treatment of skin diseases.

Lapis lazuli - care

Hold lapis lazuli under running water once a week for cleaning. The discharge takes place with hematite and the charge in the moonlight.

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