Malachite in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin of the stone. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

Malachit Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Shufu Shop


  • Colour: pale to dark green
  • Mineral class: Group of carbonates
  • Crystal system: monoclinic
  • Transparency: translucent to opaque

Malachite - effect on a spiritual level

Malachite is associated with the heart chakra. According to the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, malachite promotes creativity and a sense of aesthetics and beauty. It also arouses empathy, acceptance and understanding. It should make you more balanced and strengthen the sense of responsibility. In addition, malachite is said to have a strength-giving and frustration-relieving effect.

Malachite - effect on a physical level

On a physical level, malachite is mainly used for problems with muscles, eyes, stomach and abdomen. It is said to help with respiratory diseases and metabolic disorders as well as to stimulate blood flow and circulation. Malachite is also used for headache and abdominal pain and against inflammation. In acupressure (including Gua Sha), malachite is used to relieve tension, joint problems and sore muscles.

Malachite - application

It is recommended to use malachite either as healing stone water and elixir or to carry it directly on the body or in your pocket.

Malachite - care

When cleaning malachite, it is recommended to hold it under running water once a week and discharge it with hematite. Charging can be done in the full moon light.

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