The organ clock in traditional Chinese medicine

The organ clock

According to the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the human body has a total of twelve so-called main meridians. These are the body's energy channels through which the Qi circulates every 24 hours. Two organs are assigned to each meridian.

The organ clock consists of a total of twelve time segments, each lasting two hours. Each period has a special name and is associated with a sign of the zodiac and two organs. While the Qi is circulating, it flows particularly intensely through one of the twelve meridians for two hours at a time. One of the two assigned organs is then in the high phase and the other in the resting phase.

Healing stones and the organ clock

If a meridian or organ is disturbed, the Qi can no longer flow freely in this area, which damages health. The complaints intensify in the marriage of the organ. In order to achieve a high treatment success, it is advisable to carry out therapeutic measures during the high phase of an organ. In the resting phase of an organ, only a little Qi flows through the corresponding meridian, which is why treatments are less effective at this time.

The treatment with healing stones takes place lying down. If healing stones are placed on the body for treatment, the application time should initially be a maximum of five minutes and then be increased continuously to a maximum of 20 minutes. In order to achieve optimal treatment success, the organ clock should be observed when laying on. Therefore, the stones are placed on the area to be treated for the wedding of the corresponding meridian.

Organuhr Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Shufu Shop

According to the organ clock, for example, the lungs are particularly active between 3 and 5 o'clock, while the urinary bladder is at its lowest point. Note: In the summer half of the year (time change), the times shown must be adjusted by one hour!

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