Rose quartz in traditional Chinese medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), certain stones are said to have healing effects. The type of effect differs depending on the color, crystal structure and origin. In addition, the mineral class and trace elements contained can influence the healing effect.

Rosenquarz Shufu Shop


Rose quartz

Variety of the mineral quartz (SiO2)

  • Colour: pink (delicate to intense)
  • Mineral class: Group of oxides
  • Crystal system: trigonal
  • Transparency: transparent, translucent, milky cloudy

Rose quartz - effect on a spiritual level

In TCM, rose quartz is associated with the heart and root chakra. It alleviates fears, mental suffering and heartache. It arouses willingness to help and an open-mindedness and counteracts cold feelings. Rose quartz gives balance and inner peace and therefore has a positive effect on self-esteem. He heals old emotional wounds and teaches self-love. Rose quartz awakens our sense of aesthetics and beauty.

Rose quartz - effect on a physical level

In TCM, rose quartz is said to have a positive effect on the blood and heart. It regulates the heart function, strengthens the heart and stimulates the circulation. It is anti-inflammatory and can cure respiratory diseases and inflammation and infections in the abdomen. It also stimulates the libido and helps with sleep disorders. In acupressure (Gua Sha, face roller) rose quartz helps against skin impurities, relieves pain and detoxifies. Here come to our shop with lots of Gua Sha scrapers and face rollers made of rose quartz.

Rose quartz application

If rose quartz is placed next to the bed, it can protect against sleep disorders. Worn close to the heart as a pendant, it helps against lovesickness. For skin blemishes, apply externally in the form of healing stone water, elixir or cream or use for acupressure.

Rose quartz - care

Clean rose quartz every two weeks under running water and discharge with hematite stones. It is charged with rock crystal or in an amethyst druse.

Rose quartz products in our shop

Have a look at the Shufu shop for high-quality massage and wellness products. We offer a wide range of face rollers, Gua Sha scrapers and massage sets made of natural stone. Order now and save 5% (discount code: ShufuShop).

A selection of our rose quartz products - click and order in the shop:
Gesichtsroller | Rosenquarz ~Flowers~ Shufu Shop
Gua Sha Rosenquarz Shufu Shop
Handschmeichler - Massagestein - Heilstein 6,5 cm | Rosenquarz ~De-Stress~ Shufu Shop
Gua Sha Mix | Rosenquarz ~De-Stress~ Shufu Shop

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